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Drawing Close to Jehovah

Drawing Close to Jehovah

Song 225

Drawing Close to Jehovah

(Psalm 73:28)

1. Your favor, O Jehovah,

Is something we hold dear.

As your devoted children,

We will to you keep near.

It is the finest treasure

To have you as our Friend.

Your love is pure, makes us secure.

Our thanks to you ascend.

2. Since you, as our Great Shepherd,

Did kindly for us look

And called us by Christ Jesus,

We then the world forsook.

Our sinfulness you pardoned

In mercy deep and wide.

You are so kind; much joy we find

As with you we reside.

3. Your Son taught us to know you

And give you all due praise.

Your tenderness and goodness,

They surely us amaze.

We want to know you better,

Draw closer to you still.

Do us befriend clear to the end;

Help us to do your will.