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Enter Jehovah’s Temple Courtyards!

Enter Jehovah’s Temple Courtyards!

Song 194

Enter Jehovah’s Temple Courtyards!

(Psalm 100:4)

1. Throughout the land Jehovah’s Witnesses are preaching:

‘God and his Son have now begun to reign!’

This is the time to come and worship God Almighty,

Learn of his ways and in his house remain.

2. Open the gates, and let the humble ones now enter.

Come right inside, into God’s courtyards grand.

Do bring a gift, and come up to his holy mountain.

Joyful become, and let your heart expand.

3. This is the day the little one becomes a thousand.

From far away Christ’s other sheep draw near.

Flocking like doves, they come into the temple courtyards,

Where they can bless Jehovah’s name so dear.

4. Enter the gates, and praise the Sov’reign Lord Jehovah.

This is the call that can be heard earth wide.

Come congregate within the courtyards of true worship.

Make this the realm where you will e’er reside.