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Gaining Victory Over the World

Gaining Victory Over the World

Song 3

Gaining Victory Over the World

(John 16:33)

1. As we move ahead triumphant

In Jehovah’s strength and might,

Many vict’ries he does grant us

In the warfare that is right.

We incur the nations’ hatred

With the preaching of God’s Word.

Filled with confidence in vict’ry,

We will march on undeterred.

2. In this world we will have trouble.

Of this fact we’re well aware.

But “Take courage!” said Christ Jesus.

‘I will keep you in my care.’

Yes, we can attain to vict’ry,

For the battle is not ours.

God Jehovah does the fighting;

Fire from him his foes devours.

3. O’er the world we are victorious

Through our faith in Christ our Lord.

With his Kingdom now established,

It is he who wields the sword.

Just as he the world once conquered,

We can surely do the same.

Trusting in our God, Jehovah,

Glorious vict’ry we shall claim.