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God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years

God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years

Song 60

God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years

(Revelation 20:4-6)

1. God has decreed a thousand years of justice.

The time has come for his dear Son to rule mankind.

With him enthroned will reign twelve times twelve thousand.

To serve as kings and priests with Christ, they’ll be assigned.

2. Kindly disposed t’ward all imperfect humans,

In sin-removing work with Christ they will rejoice.

All earth will be a paradise of pleasure.

In praise to God all ransomed men will lift the voice.

3. One thousand years, the Kingdom by Christ Jesus!

With eyes of faith, we now behold the wondrous scene:

Dead ones arise and learn of God’s requirements.

A judgment day in righteousness, yes, it will mean.

4. So let us all put forth our best endeavor;

Keep on the watch, for soon will dawn the glorious day.

Strong and courageous, may we act most wisely,

Inviting all to call on God without delay.