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God’s Pretty Things

God’s Pretty Things

Song 25

God’s Pretty Things

(Ecclesiastes 3:11)

1. Each pretty thing God made

In its appointed time.

To eat and drink and work,

This is a gift sublime.

And time indefinite

Deep in our hearts he placed.

So hope of endless life

We rightly all embraced.

2. Jehovah’s will it is

Upon mankind to pour

Rich blessings so that they

May love him all the more.

With his delightful things,

Men will be occupied;

And for eternity

God will with them reside.

3. An occupation grand

That we have come to learn

Is that of witnessing;

It is our high concern.

This is a gift of God

And brings us happiness.

It is a pretty thing

That we today possess.

4. With wisdom let us all

Live each day as we should

And make God’s purpose known

And seek to do what’s good.

This is our precious lot

That we so gladly take,

And all these things we do

For God Jehovah’s sake.