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God’s Unfolding “Eternal Purpose”

God’s Unfolding “Eternal Purpose”

Song 99

God’s Unfolding “Eternal Purpose”

(Ephesians 3:11)

1. Keep ever marching forward,

Each one in his own place.

For all his servants on the earth,

Jehovah sets the pace.

He has restored true worship

And made his words come true.

Great is the crowd that has appeared

And seeks his will to do.

2. Our Sov’reign Lord, Jehovah,

Gives us a living hope.

In mental darkness, filled with fear,

No longer do we grope.

It’s his eternal purpose

That men should live in peace.

Soon by the rule of Christ, his Son,

He will make wars to cease.

3. As God unfolds his purpose,

We must ourselves exert

And march along the road to life

And keep our minds alert.

Our God Jehovah’s purpose

Will meet with sure success.

Wisely we act and move ahead

And seek his name to bless.