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God’s Warriors Are Advancing

God’s Warriors Are Advancing

Song 39

God’s Warriors Are Advancing

(1 Timothy 6:12)

1. God’s warriors are advancing;

Their ev’ry pow’r they bend

To honor him, Jehovah,

And his great name defend.

What though the great red dragon

Assails God’s army small?

The shadow of his own hand

Securely guards them all.

2. Aggressive is our warfare

In this Jehovah’s day.

We speak God’s Word with boldness.

Why should we feel dismay?

His Son, as our Commander,

Now battles for the right.

He takes the grand offensive;

Let’s join him in the fight.

3. With God we are advancing;

He surely will prevail.

So, till his vindication,

O may our zeal ne’er fail!

Since victory is certain,

His promised full reward

Awaits the tried and faithful,

Who lay not down the sword.