Gratitude for Divine Patience
Song 81
Gratitude for Divine Patience
1. Jehovah God, your pow’r sublime
Made all things beauteous in their time.
To this fact all things testify,
Throughout the earth and in the sky.
Though from such beauty springs delight
For all who love the truth and right,
Yet still more beauty they will see
In triumph of your sov’reignty.
2. Great God, your zeal for righteousness
Could end at once all wickedness;
But that salvation may be ours,
You have held back destructive pow’rs.
Now all who gladly your name bear,
Your praises sing, give thanks in pray’r
For patience shown, and long to see
The triumph of your sov’reignty.
3. Your patience we would not abuse
But use the time to preach good news,
Show men your attributes divine,
Which in your Word so clearly shine.
Help us to make the way so plain
That they salvation too may gain
And then with us the beauty see
Of your triumphant sov’reignty.