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Heeding Jude’s Message

Heeding Jude’s Message

Song 22

Heeding Jude’s Message

(Jude 21)

1. Deeply stirred we surely feel

As we read Jude’s appeal.

It was written for us all

So that we ne’er might fall.

From its fine, abiding counsel,

Strength and courage we derive.

It will keep our precious faith alive.

2. Warnings that are clear and strong

Help us see what is wrong.

Satan wants us to deflect,

But his wiles we detect.

He would have us spurn God’s orders;

And with sly, deceptive speech,

How he tries hard us to overreach!

3. With enticements men of sin

Subtly our hearts would win.

In God’s love we choose to stay,

From his ways never stray.

How Jude’s message does equip us,

Helps us all to keep alert!

Thus apostasy we will avert.

4. Yes, we must put up a fight

For the faith with our might.

Mercy, love, and godly peace,

To us may they increase.

To Jehovah God, our Savior,

Through Christ Jesus, who’s our Lord,

Let us honor give with one accord.