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Jehovah Is Our Refuge

Jehovah Is Our Refuge

Song 85

Jehovah Is Our Refuge

(Psalm 91:1, 2)

1. Jehovah is our refuge,

Our God in whom we trust.

His shadow is our shelter;

Abide in it we must.

For he himself will rescue you

From pestilence and trappers too.

Jehovah is a stronghold,

A haven for all the just.

2. Though thousands will be falling,

Yes, at your very side,

Ten thousand at your right hand,

No harm will you betide.

You will not need to quake with fear,

As though great harm to you were near.

Your eyes will merely see it,

As ’neath God’s wings you’ll abide.

3. No plague will e’er befall you,

No dire calamity.

But God will by his angels

Provide security.

The maned young lion you’ll not dread;

Upon the cobra you will tread.

No stone will make you stumble

While you serve God faithfully.

4. Praise Jah for such assurance;

His righteousness proclaim.

While making known his virtues,

Ourselves we’ll keep from blame.

Whole-souled devotion let us show;

Then we’ll salvation by God know.

Jehovah is our refuge;

A fortress is his great name.