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Jehovah Leads His People

Jehovah Leads His People

Song 203

Jehovah Leads His People

(Psalm 31:3)

1. True knowledge God abundantly provides.

His people he instructs and O so patiently guides!

He graciously endowed us with free will.

He kindly seeks into our hearts his truth to instill.

2. And step by step, in his own way and time,

By means of holy spirit, he reveals things sublime.

His faithful steward keeps us well-informed,

And by such loving care and guidance, our hearts are warmed.

3. Instructive guidance clarifies wrong views,

And righteoushearted ones with strength and pow’r it imbues.

If we adjustments in obedience make,

Jehovah God will lead us for his own dear name’s sake.

4. We gratefully accept his helping hand

That his advancing light of truth we may understand.

Jehovah God, he is our greatest Friend;

Assuredly he’ll guide us in this time of the end.