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Jehovah, Our Best Friend

Jehovah, Our Best Friend

Song 76

Jehovah, Our Best Friend

(Isaiah 41:8)

1. Jehovah God, the Loyal One,

Is truly our best Friend.

He made the earth a home for us,

Gave life that would not end.

Though our first parents did forsake

Jehovah’s righteous way,

He still befriends the faithful ones,

Who wait to see his day.

2. A faithful man through all his days

Was Abraham, God’s friend.

For when Jehovah tested him,

He kept true to the end.

He reckoned God could raise his son

If he’d obedient be.

So God was fond of Abraham,

Who kept integrity.

3. Years later, God’s Son came to earth

Because of love for men.

He gave his life to bring us back

To God on high again.

Though Satan tried to lead him off

From serving God in love,

Christ Jesus, as a loyal Son,

Proved true to God above.

4. No greater friends could we now have

Than God and his dear Son.

They’ve shown true love, that lasting life

By us now might be won.

We know that friendship with this world

Will mean God’s enmity.

So we must prove ourselves his friends,

Steadfast in loyalty.