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Jehovah, Our Creator

Jehovah, Our Creator

Song 154

Jehovah, Our Creator

(Isaiah 42:5)

1. Our Sov’reign Lord, Jehovah, designed the earth well.

To man he did give it for him there to dwell.

Vast myriads of angels cried out in delight

At God’s finished product; it was a grand sight.

2. A paradise of beauty the earth must yet be.

Jehovah so purposed by his own decree.

Sin started with rebellion, bad use of free choice.

This soon will be ended; for this we rejoice.

3. The coming of God’s Kingdom will set matters straight.

With great expectation that time we await.

We joyfully go forth to make known this good news,

To lighten men’s darkness and truth to diffuse.

4. With eyes toward Jehovah we lovingly gaze,

For he’s our Creator, so worthy of praise.

How wisely he made ev’rything for all mankind!

We laud him and serve him with heart, soul, and mind.