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Jehovah, Our Strength and Our Might

Jehovah, Our Strength and Our Might

Song 47

Jehovah, Our Strength and Our Might

(Isaiah 12:2)

1. Gracious Jehovah, our strength and our might,

You are our Savior; in you we delight.

We are your Witnesses bearing your news,

Whether men hear or they proudly refuse.


2. Through Christ your Son we now seek joy and peace;

Once blinded eyes behold truth e’er increase.

Searching the Scriptures, we hear your command;

Making our choice, with Jehovah we stand.


3. Gladly, O God, we keep doing your will.

Though Satan slaps us, we’re trusting you still.

Though he may slay us, O help us to be

Witnesses holding fast integrity.


Jehovah our Rock, our strength and our might,

Your name we make known both day and night.

Glorious Jehovah, almighty in pow’r,

You are our hiding place; you are our tow’r.