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Jehovah’s Attributes

Jehovah’s Attributes

Song 97

Jehovah’s Attributes

(Revelation 4:11)

1. Jehovah God, exalted in might,

The Fountainhead of life and light,

Creation speaks of your great pow’r;

Still more will Armageddon’s hour.

2. Those things you’ve made—what wisdom they tell!

They witness that you made them well.

But turning to your Word, we see

Your wisdom shine more brilliantly.

3. On justice you have founded your throne.

Your righteousness you have made known.

To us do give an ear to hear

That we may walk with you in fear.

4. Your loving-kindness is our great boast;

To it we are indebted most.

Your attributes, your glorious name,

Exultingly we will proclaim!