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Jehovah’s Blessing Makes Rich

Jehovah’s Blessing Makes Rich

Song 9

Jehovah’s Blessing Makes Rich

(Proverbs 10:22)

1. Bounteous blessings Jehovah does grant

As we unitedly serve.

Great is our joy when in hearts we implant

Words that the wise will observe.

2. Though persecution and hatred abound,

And of these we bear the brunt,

Since our God’s mercies we see all around,

Boldly all trials we confront.

3. If we perform what our hands find to do,

Working in things that are right,

Our God, Jehovah, who’s loyal and true,

In us will find keen delight.

4. Hence, as God’s worshipers, may we show zeal.

Blessings there are to be had!

His loving-kindnesses he will reveal;

With them no pain will he add.