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Jehovah’s Heavenly Throne

Jehovah’s Heavenly Throne

Song 219

Jehovah’s Heavenly Throne

(Revelation 4)

1. You, O Jehovah, are God alone.

Awesome is your glory, Lord, lofty your throne.

’Round you a rainbow shines em’rald green.

You’re a God of peacefulness, tranquil, serene.

2. Twenty-four elders, all dressed in white,

Serve as kings and priests with Christ. Grand is the sight!

Four living creatures your ways acclaim:

Justice, wisdom, pow’r, and love—they praise your name.

3. Lightnings and thunders from you proceed.

To the voices speaking truth may all give heed.

Your glassy sea bespeaks purity.

May we all bathe in your Word and clean thus be.

4. This heav’nly vision makes us laud you,

For you are Almighty God, holy and true.

Jesus, our Savior, now rules as King.

So through him we come to you and honor bring.