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Jehovah’s Word Is Faithful

Jehovah’s Word Is Faithful

Song 108

Jehovah’s Word Is Faithful

(Joshua 23:14)

1. Just as the rain that falls from the heavens

Causes the earth to bring forth its yield,

So is the word Jehovah has spoken;

It will succeed, yes, its truth be revealed.

2. Joshua told the nation of Israel

How God’s great goodness to them was shown.

Of all the things Jehovah had promised,

None met with failure; his pow’r he made known.

3. Our God once showed to heirs of the promise

How his unchangeable word is sure.

‘By my own self, I swear,’ said Jehovah.

This gives us hope like an anchor secure.

4. We can be sure of what God has told us.

His righteous promise will find success.

In the new order he is preparing,

We’ll praise Jehovah for his faithfulness.