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Join in the Kingdom Song!

Join in the Kingdom Song!

Song 181

Join in the Kingdom Song!

(Psalm 98:1)

1. There is a song, a happy song of vict’ry;

It magnifies the One who is supreme.

The words give hope and prompt all to be loyal.

Come sing with us; enjoy its Kingdom theme:

‘Jehovah reigns; let earth rejoice.

You heav’ns above, lift up your voice.’

This song is new; it tells of Christ’s enthronement

And calls on all his kingship to esteem.

2. With this new song, we advertise the Kingdom.

Christ Jesus rules; the earth is his domain.

And as foretold there is a newborn nation,

A land o’er which Jehovah’s Son does reign.

‘Bow down, all flesh, before God’s throne.

His Son is King. Let’s make it known!

Come learn this song, this song about the Kingdom;

Bow down to God, and his rich blessings gain.’

3. This Kingdom song all humble ones can master.

The words are clear, their message warm and bright.

In all the earth, vast multitudes have learned it,

And they, in turn, still others now invite:

‘Come worship God. Give him the praise,

For he from death mankind will raise.’

So join with us, and sing Jehovah’s praises.

Our Kingdom song to him is a delight.