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Joyful All Day Long

Joyful All Day Long

Song 19

Joyful All Day Long

(Psalm 32:11)

1. Come rejoice! Leap for joy!

In God’s favor we do bask.

Joyful be, all day long,

As we take on ev’ry task.

There is nothing lacking. We have God’s backing.

What more from him do we now need to ask?

We have peace, inner calm,

And contentment that are deep.

Self-sufficient we are;

Close to God we strive to keep.

Full of exultation, no deviation,

With heartfelt joy much fruitage we now reap.

2. Kingdom truth set us free.

For this reason we rejoice.

God’s own Son gives command,

And we listen to his voice.

With his blood he bought us. Indeed, he taught us.

Our God, through him, did fix on us his choice.

Now his Kingdom is here,

Bringing joy beyond compare.

He has raised up a steward

And placed us in his care.

We are now enlightened; our hope is brightened.

This hope with all mankind we seek to share.

3. It’s a source of great joy

To be preaching to mankind.

O the joy that we have

When the sheeplike ones we find!

As we love our brothers and welcome others,

We have the peace of being of one mind.

All day long, great our joy

As the Kingdom we make known.

A great crowd has appeared.

Look and see how it has grown!

May Jehovah lead us and ever feed us.

To him we render praise, as God alone.