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Joyful Praise to Jehovah

Joyful Praise to Jehovah

Song 75

Joyful Praise to Jehovah

(Psalm 63:5)

1. It is with lips of joyful cries

Praises we offer with pleasure

Because Jehovah God supplies

All that we need in full measure.

With happy hearts and cheerful song,

We to God lift up our voices.

To him our thanksgiving does e’er belong;

Our soul in him now rejoices.

2. He gave his Son most lovingly,

Op’ning the way to salvation.

We raise our palms in his great name,

Praying for his vindication.

Our fellowship with him we prize,

Yes, as a precious possession.

Our love for him never fades, never dies;

We give love heartfelt expression.

3. His strength and glory we behold.

How we delight in his guidance!

We gladly worship God whole-souled,

Placing on him full reliance.

And in the shadow of his wings,

How we find loving protection!

Our heart in appreciation now sings;

For him we have deep affection.