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King of Eternity, Sanctify Your Name!

King of Eternity, Sanctify Your Name!

Song 94

King of Eternity, Sanctify Your Name!

(Ezekiel 38:23)

1. Jehovah, you are God alone,

To time indefinite the same.

Great love and patience you have shown,

Until you sanctify your name.

Eternal is your purpose grand;

Great wisdom all your dealings show.

Your longed-for Kingdom is at hand,

And so all wickedness must go.

2. Creator of the universe,

You are the One from long ago!

You’ve seen men go from bad to worse,

Right on your footstool here below.

To us your Son has now been giv’n;

His princely rule is here to stay.

Before him see his en’mies driv’n;

For their destruction we now pray.

3. Your holy prophets from of old

Preached your salvation zealously.

We see fulfilled what you foretold,

To which we witness faithfully.

Our earth, forever built to stay,

Will never totter, will remain.

O King, your majesty display,

To bring Messiah’s glorious reign.