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Let’s Watch How We Walk

Let’s Watch How We Walk

Song 106

Let’s Watch How We Walk

(Ephesians 5:15)

1. Let’s watch how we walk and watch how we talk

That thus we may be alert and wise,

Buying out the opportune time,

Since this world in Satan lies.

Yes, watch how we walk and watch how we talk

That thus we may be alert and wise.

2. Let’s watch what we preach and watch what we teach,

Encourage meek ones to take their stand.

By our Bible study with them,

Give them all a helping hand.

Yes, watch what we preach and watch what we teach

And thus help meek ones to take their stand.

3. Let’s watch how we greet and watch how we treat

All those we meet in our ministry.

Like Christ Jesus, our Fine Shepherd,

Care for his sheep lovingly.

Yes, watch how we greet and watch how we treat

And stumble none in our ministry.