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Life Without End—At Last!

Life Without End—At Last!

Song 15

Life Without End—At Last!

(John 3:16)

1. Can you see, with your mind’s eye,

Peoples dwelling together?

Sorrow has passed. Peace at last!

Life without tears and pain.


2. Man and beast, living in peace,

Cause no harm to each other.

Food will be there. All will share

In what our God provides.


3. In those days old will grow young,

Flesh revived as in childhood.

Troubles are gone, from now on

No need to weep or fear.


4. Paradise all will enjoy

As they sing of God’s glory.

Yes, ev’ry day we will say

To God our Maker, “Thanks!”


Sing out with joy of heart.

You too can have a part.

Live for the day when you’ll say:

‘Life without end—at last!’