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Listen to the News of the Kingdom

Listen to the News of the Kingdom

Song 139

Listen to the News of the Kingdom

(Isaiah 55:7)

1. O listen to the news of the Kingdom today

And hear Jesus say: ‘O’er earth I hold sway.

Your Adversary soon will be taken away;

So flee from his old system and do not delay.’


2. Jehovah, through his Witnesses, calls men today:

‘You meek ones who pray, rejoice now you may.

Soon Christ, who is enthroned, will his power display

And cause want, pain, and sorrow to vanish for aye.’


3. O happy are all men who will listen today

And joyfully say: ‘My God I’ll obey.’

For God preserves the faithful; they feel no dismay.

But they seek first his Kingdom and ne’er from it stray.


Let the wicked forsake their evil way,

And let those harmful forsake their harmful thoughts.

Let them return to God, who mercy shows

And who forgives in his own large way.