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Love—A Perfect Bond of Union

Love—A Perfect Bond of Union

Song 173

Love—A Perfect Bond of Union

(Colossians 3:14)

1. The love of many has grown cold

In this time of the end.

But let us keep our first true love

And thus avoid that trend.

If we our God would imitate,

To all we will impart

The love our God himself displayed

That wells up from the heart.

2. A love without hypocrisy,

A love that is intense,

We really need to cultivate

And freely it dispense.

Let’s broaden out to reach the hearts

Of all our brothers true.

Thus love the ones that God does love,

And render them their due.

3. As this old system falls apart,

Our love must us unite.

The bond of union that we have

We must keep holding tight.

Affection, warm with tenderness,

Is vital for each one.

As brothers it will keep us close,

Until our work is done.

4. A fine relationship with God

Will help us to succeed

In loving others as ourselves

In this dire time of need.

So let our love be deep and strong

In all sincerity.

A perfect bond of union now

Love proves itself to be.