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Make Melody to Jehovah!

Make Melody to Jehovah!

Song 197

Make Melody to Jehovah!

(Psalm 47:6)

1. This melody we make to God,

Acting with due discretion.

His worthy Son by His decree

Of earth now takes possession.

We shout in triumph, clap our hands.

So much has God done for us!

Our voices swell in joyful praise

In a united chorus.

Since Christ, as Lord, God has enthroned,

Nations his pow’r must feel.

His righteous rule has now begun.

We make this known with zeal.

2. We live in times of great distress,

Sorrow, and tribulation;

Compared these are to wintertime,

Marked by much desolation.

But Christ’s Millennial Reign draws near;

Soon will be gone all badness.

A paradise will clothe the earth.

Then all will sing with gladness.

Thus, we await the blessed day

When God makes all things new.

To realize this glorious hope,

Righteousness we pursue.

3. Jehovah mighty acts performs.

Nations with fear are viewing

How well our God takes care of those

Who witness work are doing.

For God is King of all the earth,

Blessings to us he’s bringing.

So melody to him we make.

Yes, from our hearts we’re singing.

Dear brothers, let us, one and all,

Keep praising God with songs.

He sits upon his great white throne;

Honor to him belongs.