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Make the Truth Your Own

Make the Truth Your Own

Song 191

Make the Truth Your Own

(2 Corinthians 4:2)

1. The way of the truth is the best way of living.

No better way can there be found.

Christ Jesus has taught us the value of giving,

That happiness spreads all around.

Make the truth your own.

May your faith to all be shown.

By the way you do conduct yourself,

You make known that the truth is your own.

2. By putting God first and him actively praising,

The world and its friendship you’ll lose.

To those without faith, it is truly amazing

That God’s righteous way you did choose.

Make the truth your own.

Shun the world; leave it alone.

As to God Jehovah you draw near,

You make known that the truth is your own.

3. The Devil will ever resort to deception,

But him you can firmly oppose.

The large shield of faith will provide sure protection,

And with it you’ll ward off his blows.

Make the truth your own.

Satan’s wiles are not unknown.

Putting on the armor God supplies,

You make known that the truth is your own.

4. The flesh is so weak, and the heart too is desp’rate.

With this sinful state you contend.

But please be assured that you can overcome it,

For God is your Helper and Friend.

Make the truth your own.

To bad ways do not be prone.

If your body members you control,

You make known that the truth is your own.