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Meeting God’s Requirements

Meeting God’s Requirements

Song 26

Meeting God’s Requirements

(Revelation 12:17)

1. Faithful to God O let us be,

And hold fast our integrity.

From house to house with joy proclaim

The glories of Jehovah’s name.

As Witnesses, we comfort bring

To mourning ones, cause them to sing;

Mark in the foreheads those who sigh,

That God may spare them from on high.

2. If we our eye just simple keep,

Truth in our body will prove deep.

If ’bove all else we guard the heart,

Eternal life will be our part.

If we’re alert to preach the Word,

The truth by many will be heard.

If we make straight paths for our feet,

With Kingdom joys we’ll be replete.

3. O let us help our brothers true,

Help as ourselves our neighbors too,

And dwell in peace and unity

With all who serve God faithfully.

We keenly do appreciate,

As ministers, our happy state.

O may we keep it free from blame

And thus exalt Jehovah’s name.