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O Walk With God!

O Walk With God!

Song 138

O Walk With God!

(Micah 6:8)

1. O walk with God in modesty;

Love kindness, and be true.

With God keep your integrity;

Let him your strength renew.

If you would keep his truth so grand,

By men be not beguiled;

But let God lead you by the hand,

Just as a little child.

2. O walk with God in purity;

Relapse not into sin.

Advance to full maturity

And his approval win.

And on whatever things are pure

And lovely, true and just,

On these things think; and to endure,

In God put all your trust.

3. O walk with God in faithfulness,

For then you will attain

Contentment true and godliness,

Which are the greatest gain.

O walk with God; be ever glad

His glorious praise to sing.

The greatest joy that can be had

His Kingdom work will bring.