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Obeying God Rather Than Men

Obeying God Rather Than Men

Song 2

Obeying God Rather Than Men

(Acts 5:29)

1. All things we do to please our God;

The world we’ve left behind.

The unbelievers think we’re odd,

But this we do not mind.

And rather God than men obey,

That is our firm resolve.

Our lives and all we do each day

Around him now revolve.

2. To “Caesar” we pay back his things,

Give rulers all their due.

To God such conduct honor brings

And shows that he is true.

But since we were bought with a price

And no more are our own,

We take to heart our Lord’s advice

And serve our God alone.

3. If we would bring Jehovah praise

And lead a peaceful life,

We may not walk in lawless ways

Or join in worldly strife.

We pay our dues to God Most High,

Serve his Theocracy,

Thus fearlessly e’er testify

To his true Sov’reignty.

4. Our sacred service must come first.

We will not be deterred,

For many are the ones that thirst;

They need to taste God’s Word.

Though men may seek to interfere,

We know what course to take:

Obey our God, to him adhere;

He ne’er will us forsake!