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Our Godly Joy

Our Godly Joy

Song 186

Our Godly Joy

(Philippians 4:4)

1. The spirit’s fruit of godly joy

We need if we’d endure.

To have this joy in full, it takes

A faith that’s strong and sure.

This joy is no mere passing mood;

It always is required.

That’s why we read, “Rejoice!” “Rejoice!”

In words by God inspired.

2. We’ve many reasons for our joy:

We know God and his Son;

We’re honored as their Witnesses;

With them we are at one.

There’s joy in knowing that some day

All men our God will praise,

That even those in Hades will

Return and walk God’s ways.

3. This joy to deepen we must serve

Our God contentedly,

Must carefully safeguard our hearts

And keep from malice free.

We also want to be alert

To praise God all day long,

Keep thinking on upbuilding things,

Avoiding all that’s wrong.

4. Though cramped and lowly be our lot

While walking in his light,

This godly joy is our reward

For serving him aright.

It marks us as Jehovah’s slaves

As we his Word declare.

To overflow with it, we must

This joy with others share.