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Pray to Jehovah Each Day

Pray to Jehovah Each Day

Song 161

Pray to Jehovah Each Day

(1 Thessalonians 5:17)

1. Pray to Jehovah, the Hearer of pray’r.

This is our priv’lege, for his name we bear.

T’ward him we exercise freeness of speech;

He is our Father whom we can beseech.

Pray to Jehovah each day.

2. Pray to Jehovah each day that we live,

Asking forgiveness as we do forgive.

In all temptations we look for his aid;

With his protection we’ll ne’er be afraid.

Pray to Jehovah each day.

3. Pray to Jehovah when things appear grim.

We can unburden our hearts, yes, to him,

All our anxiety on him unload;

This is a blessing on us now bestowed.

Pray to Jehovah each day.

4. Pray to Jehovah; express gratitude.

Praise and thanksgiving be sure to include.

Talk to Jehovah with sincerity;

Thus of his goodness, we will come to see.

Pray to Jehovah each day.