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Preach With Boldness

Preach With Boldness

Song 92

Preach With Boldness

(Acts 4:13)

1. Jehovah’s servants need to be strong,

Due to the pressures from Satan’s throng.

We get this courage from God’s own Word,

Also from sharing the things we have heard.

God’s Word gives power, the will to stick,

And keeps us loyal through thin and thick.

Like the apostles and men of old,

Let us be steadfast, rejoicing, and bold.

2. Since we’re believing with all our hearts

God’s Word is truthful in all its parts,

We’re not afraid of what men can do

But have strong faith, even though we are few.

Let’s fix attention on work at hand

And spread God’s message through all the land.

By preaching boldly right to the end,

We’ll have Jehovah forever as Friend.

3. Give kind assistance to all the weak

So that with boldness they too can speak.

Never neglect those of tender years;

Help them grow strong and get rid of their fears.

Bring consolation to those who sigh;

Bid all take courage, on God rely.

O’er all the earth, he will rule as King

And cause all mankind his praises to sing.