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Proof of Discipleship

Proof of Discipleship

Song 200

Proof of Discipleship

(John 13:34, 35)

1. Through the love that must be shown,

All true Christians can be known.

Christ displayed love perfectly,

Proved to all his loyalty.

Where else can such love be found,

Which among these does abound?

Each his very life would give

That another one may live.

2. Love to principle is true,

Is for many, not just few.

Rich it is in wholesomeness,

Others always seeks to bless.

Love is Jesus’ new command;

Hence, love lends a helping hand,

Never looks for selfish gain

But helps others life attain.

3. Love has eyes to see the good.

Love builds up the brotherhood.

Love to erring ones is kind,

Seeks their better side to find.

By such love the world will know

Why God’s mercies to us flow

Through his Son sent from above.

O how true that God is love!