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Showing Concern for “the Flock of God”

Showing Concern for “the Flock of God”

Song 101

Showing Concern for “the Flock of God”

(1 Peter 5:2)

1. Jesus Christ, as God’s Fine Shepherd,

For His flock showed deep concern.

With his life he did us purchase.

Much from him we all can learn.

2. Elders are his undershepherds;

Lovingly they tend the sheep.

They must set a fine example

And strict vigilance e’er keep.

3. ‘Feed my lambs’ is Christ’s instruction

To each one whose love is pure.

Tenderly and with much patience,

All must help them to mature.

4. As a flock—united, peaceful—

Many blessings we do share.

God Jehovah and Christ Jesus

Shepherd us with loving care.