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Speaking the “Pure Language”

Speaking the “Pure Language”

Song 78

Speaking the “Pure Language”

(Zephaniah 3:9)

1. God’s people are speaking a language so pure,

A language that truly unites.

Its words are delightful, bring joy to the heart.

To love and right works they incite.

2. The change to this language Jehovah does give

To those who are humble and meek.

For such ones are willing to go forth and teach

Still others this language to speak.

3. Wrong thoughts and bad habits are now put aside

By those who this language do learn.

They clean up their lives and adhere to God’s ways.

The ways of the world they now spurn.

4. So shoulder to shoulder we serve our great God.

His people he guides and equips.

And with the pure language, the Kingdom we preach;

Its message we bear on our lips.