Thanks to the Giver of Life
Song 167
Thanks to the Giver of Life
1. Thank you, Jehovah, our heav’nly Father.
What can we do but give you heartfelt praise?
Following closely Christ Jesus’ footsteps,
Our dedicated, earnest hands we raise.
2. Happy are we, great Sov’reign eternal;
Heaven and earth serve all your just demands.
All that we now have we do surrender,
In loyal worship, to your wise commands.
3. Promptly you set up your promised Kingdom;
Peaceful relations we now have with you.
Daily we look to you for true wisdom
That we may give you homage that is due.
4. Gratefully we would serve you, Jehovah,
Make known your virtues and your Word of truth.
We look to you to bless all our efforts,
And may your spirit give us strength of youth.