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The Divine Pattern of Love

The Divine Pattern of Love

Song 89

The Divine Pattern of Love

(1 John 4:19)

1. Jehovah, our God, has wisely provided

For us all,

One and all,

A pattern divine, that we may be guided,

Lest we should fall,

Lest we should fall.

That excellent way by which he keeps ever,

To which he invites our constant endeavor,

From which we may part, no, never, no, never,

Is that of love,

For God’s way is love.

2. By walking God’s way, our love for our brother

Will be true,

Warm and true,

Will make us alert to help one another

In all we do,

In all we do.

O let us e’er show that true warm affection,

Help others to guard ’gainst any deflection,

Lest finally some should suffer rejection,

Thus show our love,

Our brotherly love.

3. Jehovah is love. His organization

Will always,

Yes, always,

Unselfishly serve to his vindication,

Singing his praise,

Singing his praise.

So let us proclaim his name to each hearer,

Help other sheep see the truth ever clearer.

Let his service grow still dearer and dearer,

For that is love;

Yes, that is true love.