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The Excelling “Peace of God”

The Excelling “Peace of God”

Song 178

The Excelling “Peace of God”

(Philippians 4:7)

1. The peace of God excels.

It so pow’rfully dispels

Apprehension and all tension,

So within us calm now dwells.

God’s peace protects the mind,

Keeps the heart to him inclined,

Holds us steady, always ready

—With his Kingdom we’re aligned.

2. Anxiety and stress

All humanity oppress.

They’re abounding and confounding,

Moving men to bitterness.

But we are not upset,

For our God we’ll ne’er forget.

His affection and protection

Give us peace; we need not fret.

3. On God we can rely.

All our needs he will supply.

Ne’er fallacious, ever gracious,

He will guide us till we die.

His peace is like the dew,

Bringing joys that are not few.

With God’s blessing we’re progressing

As we seek God’s will to do.