The Fruitage of the Spirit
Song 163
The Fruitage of the Spirit
1. The fruitage of God’s holy spirit
We all must produce and retain,
That thus we may bring to him honor
And life in his new order gain.
So let us at all times be showing
The love that is godlike and pure
And try to be always rejoicing,
For joy gives us strength to endure.
2. God’s peace we must make our possession
To prosper and have unity.
Important is also long-suff’ring,
That patient with all we may be.
O what fine effects come from kindness!
It makes men more willing to hear,
While goodness moves us to be active
In sharing with all Kingdom cheer.
3. The fine fruit of faith gives us courage
And strengthens our purpose in life.
And what a good asset is mildness!
It mitigates friction and strife.
Firm self-control also is needed
If disapproved we would not be.
Since bearing these fruits wins God’s favor,
Let’s cultivate them constantly.