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The Light Gets Brighter

The Light Gets Brighter

Song 111

The Light Gets Brighter

(Proverbs 4:18)

1. Light from God’s Word keeps shining ever brighter,

Is getting ever lighter as the day draws near.

Truths, Kingdom truths, Jehovah is revealing;

To us he is appealing: ‘Come, incline your ear.’

Gone the time when false religion

Kept us in its dismal prison.

Truth was revived.

The Lord’s day arrived.

Light has flashed forth as rays of sun at daybreak,

Transmitting to the righteous ones the bright shining light,

God’s bright shining light.

2. Light on the path of righteous ones increases.

Jehovah it releases with such loving care.

True understanding he is now unfolding;

His people he is molding with his truths so fair.

Sometimes due to imperfection

There may seem to be deflection;

But truth refines

As light brighter shines.

Our gracious God sends forth more light to help us.

He flashes forth his glorious light, a light brighter still,

A light brighter still.

3. Bright is the light that shines now on our pathway,

Just like the sun at noonday in a cloudless sky.

Our God is light and can but us enlighten;

Our pathway he will brighten, so we need not sigh.

Never should we doubt or worry,

Seek to force the truth to hurry.

Keep to the way,

And there ever stay.

Light has flashed up and will keep on increasing.

The righteous are rejoicing, for so bright is the light.

So bright is the light.