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The Resurrection—God’s Loving Provision

The Resurrection—God’s Loving Provision

Song 185

The Resurrection—God’s Loving Provision

(John 11:25)

1. The resurrection of mankind

Spells mercy from above,

Made certain by Christ’s sacrifice

In proof of God’s great love.

First will be raised the little flock;

A crown of life they’ll gain.

For faithfulness until their death,

A thousand years they’ll reign.

2. Upon the cloud of witnesses,

Life too will be conferred.

A better resurrection grand

They’re promised in God’s Word.

And we can hope that other sheep

Who now may chance to die

Will waken early from the tomb

Their God to magnify.

3. All those in dark memorial tombs

Will hear Christ Jesus’ voice

And, like the thief with Christ impaled,

In Paradise rejoice.

With close of Christ’s Millennial Rule,

There’ll be the final test;

Then all avoiding Satan’s snare

Will be forever blest.

4. O remnant of the little flock

And other sheep ’mong men,

Tell those who lost dear ones in death

They’ll see them once again.

So keep abounding in good works

Commanded by our Lord,

For well you know death can’t prevent

Your reaping your reward.