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“The Scene of This World Is Changing”

“The Scene of This World Is Changing”

Song 199

“The Scene of This World Is Changing”

(1 Corinthians 7:31)

1. Though men now cause ruination

To earth, God’s lovely creation,

Still we live in expectation

That God such evils will cure.


2. Our foes, like dogs, keep on snapping.

Our strength they want to keep sapping.

But hands with joy we are clapping;

We know our vict’ry is sure.


3. Though foes may put in appearance

And try to cause interference,

To God’s Word we give adherence

And seek to keep our hearts pure.


4. The Devil’s system is ending;

Restraint for him is impending.

Such good news we are defending

—Our God helps us to endure.


Though the scene of this world is now changing,

Our God is kindly arranging

All things to keep us secure.