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This Good News of the Kingdom Let Us Preach

This Good News of the Kingdom Let Us Preach

Song 151

This Good News of the Kingdom Let Us Preach

(Matthew 24:14)

1. Preach the good news of the Kingdom rule that Jesus Christ foretold.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

And in preaching this good news, let’s be courageous, firm, and bold.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

Preach the good news of the Kingdom on the streets, from door to door;

Preach this good news with the printed page all nations o’er.

Preach with skill and preach with kindness, with more zeal than e’er before.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

2. Preach the good news of the sumptuous feast Jehovah will prepare.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

That there soon will be great banqueting in which the meek will share.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

Preach the good news of the festive board that flows with choicest wine,

And that all the hungry ones on finest food will dine.

Preach the good news that salvation soon will make all faces shine.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

3. Preach the good news of the Kingdom joy that now is to be had.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

That no lover of Jehovah God has reason to be sad.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!

Preach the good news that there’s help for all who want to do what’s right.

Preach the good news that there’s peace for all who trust God’s might.

Preach the good news that in serving God there truly is delight.

This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!