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Walking in Integrity

Walking in Integrity

Song 160

Walking in Integrity

(Psalm 26:1)

1. Please, judge me, Lord, my Lord Jehovah God.

In you I trust, and in integrity I’ve trod.

Examine me, and put me to the test;

My mind and heart refine that my soul might be blest.


2. I do not sit with wicked men of lies.

I hate the company of those who truth despise.

With evil men take not away my life,

My soul, with those whose hands are full of bribes and strife.


3. For I have loved the dwelling of your house.

Your worship, O so pure, I daily will espouse.

And I will march around your altar grand

To make thanksgiving heard aloud throughout the land.


But as for me, determined I shall be

To walk eternally in my integrity.