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We Thank You, Jehovah

We Thank You, Jehovah

Song 212

We Thank You, Jehovah

(1 Thessalonians 5:18)

1. We thank you, Jehovah, each day and each night,

That you shed upon us your precious light.

We thank you that we have the priv’lege of pray’r,

That we can approach you with ev’ry care.

2. We thank you, Jehovah, for your faithful Son,

Who o’er death and Hades the vict’ry won.

We thank you for guidance in doing your will,

For thus you do help us our vows fulfill.

3. We thank you, Jehovah, for our brotherhood,

Where we find companions both true and good.

We thank you for giving us your active force,

Your spirit, which helps us to hold our course.

4. We thank you, our God, for the honor to preach

About your great name and the truth to teach.

We thank you that soon all earth’s woes will be past,

While your Kingdom blessings forever last.