“Welcome One Another”!
Song 155
“Welcome One Another”!
1. O welcome one another as Christ Jesus welcomed you!
Since Christ died for your brother, surely he is welcome too.
So let those who are strong, mature, support those who are weak,
Help them to make their hope secure as righteousness they seek.
For things aforetime written by God’s prophets long ago
Can through our firm endurance cause our comfort, hope to grow.
Then let us always try to please not just ourselves alone
But view our brother’s interests as though they were our own.
2. Jehovah God is gath’ring men who will learn war no more.
The time has come for his dear Son peace earth wide to restore.
From ev’ry nation, tribe, and tongue, all sorts of men he draws,
And in their hearts and minds, he plants delight to keep his laws.
With glory to our God in view, a welcome we extend
To all, without distinction, and all sorts of men befriend.
To copy God’s largeheartedness it is our priv’lege grand.
As imitators of his Son, we should our hearts expand.
3. So let us urge all peoples that they too laud Jah our King,
Rejoicing with his nation and, as one, his praises sing.
To that end we must e’er proclaim, in homes and on the street,
The good news of Jehovah’s fame to all whom we may meet.
This honor thus to sing God’s praise will never come again.
These truly are the final days for all unrighteous men.
So let us love our brothers, always letting God be true;
Yes, welcome one another, as God’s Word tells us to do.