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Your Loyal Ones Will Bless You

Your Loyal Ones Will Bless You

Song 223

Your Loyal Ones Will Bless You

(Psalm 145:10)

1. Your loyal ones will all bless you,

Jehovah God, our King.

They gladly tell of your great deeds

And of your glory sing.

So high and lifted up,

So deserving of our praise,

Unsearchable your thoughts,

Your mighty acts, your wondrous ways.

Your loyal ones cry out with joy;

Their hearts do overflow.

The sons of men they seek to tell

Of these grand things they know.

2. A generation God did choose

To tell forth all his praise.

That generation now exists

And walks in God’s own ways.

This faithful servant class

Now the other sheep do feed.

In passing through this world,

Their Shepherd Jesus does them lead.

As loyal ones, they laud your works,

Make mention of your name.

They bubble over as they speak

Of you and your great fame.

3. Jehovah God is good to all;

Of this there is no doubt.

Through Jesus Christ He’ll save mankind.

Let none his goodness flout.

To anger he is slow;

This his loyal ones know well.

How grateful we should be

That he desires with us to dwell!

He lifts us up when we fall down

And satisfies our soul.

For this we bless him all day long;

His goodness we extol.