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Offer of Literature

Offer of Literature

Offer of Literature

Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

Have you ever been asked the question, “How can we be sure that the Bible is not just an ordinary book written by wise men of the past?” What answer could you offer? Equip yourself with many convincing proofs of the Bible’s divine origin. Read the book Is the Bible Really the Word of God? Among its faith-building chapters are “Genesis Account of Creation—Fact or Fiction?” “Was There an Earth-wide Flood?” “The Bible and Ancient History—Do They Agree?” Hardbound, 192 pages, only $1.

Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?

What about the teaching of evolution? Can you accept it and believe the Bible too? Why not read the book Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? It offers a reliable answer. Here are a few of its chapters: “Does Life Come from Nonliving Matter?” “Do Mutations Result in New Life Forms?” “Are Apelike Men Our Ancestors?” Pocket-size, 192 pages, generously illustrated, thoroughly documented, just $1 a copy.

The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life

What does the Bible itself actually teach? What hope does it offer us for the future? The book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life tells you what the Bible is all about. It does so in a simple and reasonable manner. Next to the Bible itself it is the most widely distributed book in the Western world. It is only $1.

Listening to the Great Teacher

How can you teach the Bible and its principles to your children? It is not easy to teach them to be kind, loving, unselfish, honest, peaceable, forgiving, morally upright and obedient. But now parents can have help in doing so from a new kind of book—Listening to the Great Teacher. It is designed for parents and children to read together. Delightfully illustrated, large print, easily understood, 192 pages, pocket-size, pink cover, 46 fascinating chapters. Only $1.

(Prices subject to change.)

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